April 30, 2012

Moving Too Fast

Life needs to slow down right about now. Can't believe this part of my life is almost over. So much love and appreciation I want to spread especially at this moment.

We've came so far. But it's far from done.

April 5, 2012

Stunting by the garbage can

taunting the garbage can with his clean white pants

March 22, 2012

Around Town

I got to hang out with my man Errol last night after being introduced by my friend Joanne a while ago. We visited Self-Edge (157 Orchard Street in the LES, http://www.selfedge.com/), and Errol introduced me to the owner of the store, who also happens to be head of 3sixteen (http://www.3sixteen.com/), a brand who focuses on quality denim. The guys over at Self Edge were definitely cool people. After Errol picked up his pair of 3sixteen denim, we headed off to dinner in Chinatown and got drinks while catching the Knicks game. Definitely a great Wednesday evening!

March 18, 2012

Why I Enjoy Taking Pictures With My Phone

I really enjoy taking pictures with my phone. Not only myself, but of course, of (and especially with) others as well. Pictures create memories. People who like to take pictures tend to only take them during occasions: birthdays, weddings, parties, etc... I strongly feel that every moment in life is valuable and it really doesn't take all that much to whip out your phone to snap a quick shot. When I'm old and gray, I will be thankful that I took the extra minutes off my day to be silly.

March 14, 2012

Feeling Like Summer

Been having great weather recently. This was already the second time I broke out the white denim in the past few days. I also received this new Everlane backpack last week, and I am definitely digging it.

March 12, 2012

March 10, 2012

On Writing and Dressing Well

Below is a great article taken from PutThisOn.com. It provides a great analogy, comparing how to dress with how to write...

On Writing and Dressing Well

For my day job, I teach college courses on economic development. My students are smart, but many come to college not knowing how to write a basic paper. I get paid to teach them about development, not English, but in the course of reading so many students’ essays, I’ve come up with a few ideas on how they can generally improve their writing. I think some of the same lessons can be insightful for those interested in dressing as well.

Let’s start with what’s wrong with their papers. Students often abuse thesauruses and write long, needless sentences, many of which are not arranged in any coherent order. Their papers frequently lack theses, and when there is one, it’s unclear how each part supports their conclusion.

My general idea is that students can improve if they just write simply and unpretentiously, erring on the side of clarity. Two strategies would be to use shorter sentences and edit things down as tightly as possible. They should also avoid using fancy words to dress up their prose and instead focus on communicating a strong, central idea. Simplicity, clarity, and coherency. Have one meaningful thing to say and say it well.

The basic principles for dressing are similar. Of course, some men should just pull up their pants and wear jackets that fit. Among men who already put in effort, however, most would fare better by not trying so hard to look “stylish.” Not unlike students who try to force sounding sophisticated, these men should strip away needless details and accoutrements. Tightly edit things down, use simple garments, and express one idea.

They should also ensure that there’s some coherency and harmony. Wearing avant-garde designer sweaters with traditionally tailored sport coats, for example, doesn’t work. Nor do denim trucker jackets with neckties, frankly. It’s important to keep things in-synch by sticking within the same aesthetic family, seasonal mood, and level of formality. This is the sartorial equivalent of supporting a thesis.

Of course, there are many men who are incredibly stylish and break all sorts of these “rules.” Hirofumi Kurino and Yasuto Kamoshita, both of whom work for United Arrows, are two perfect examples. Dressing is also more of an art than writing about social theories, so there’s more room for creative license.

However, if you’re a novice, I think you would do better by taking the basic approach to dressing. Rely on simple things, edit things down tightly, and make sure each piece supports another in some harmonious manner. Maybe that’s a madras shirt, khaki linen pants, and brown leather loafers for a causal summer weekend. Or it’s a navy suit, white shirt, black grenadine tie, and black oxford shoes for an evening charity event. Whatever it is, have a thesis and express it clearly and concisely. You can, of course, one day move to more creative forms of expressing yourself, but not before you’ve learned how to write a basic paper.

March 8, 2012

Eventful Weekend

Haven't had the time to post up pics, but had a great weekend.

Much love.

February 24, 2012